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My life as a Holocaust Revisionist

I will not attempt a Blog here in the full sense of that concept, but rather a personal journal where I will record some of the stories that thought turns to in those rare moments of clarity when I am not interfering with it.

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Location: Baja Norte, Mexico

Smith was raised in South Central Los Angeles in the 1930s and 40s. Smith is a combat veteran (Korea, 7th Cavalry, where he was twice wounded), has been a deputy sheriff (Los Angeles County), a bull fighter (Mexico), a merchant seaman, and was in Saigon during the Tet offensive of 1968 as a freelance writer. He has been described by the Los Angeles Times as an "anarchist libertarian," and by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith as one of the most dangerous "extremists" in America. He has been married to a Mexican woman for 30 years, there are two children, and now two grandchildren. Smith argues that the German WMD (gas-chamber) question should be examined in the routine manner that all other historical questions are examined. He argues that the Holocaust is not a "Jewish" story, but a story of Jews and Germans together--forever. Those who want to challenge the concept of the "unique monstrosity" of the Germans should be free to do so. He believes it is morally wrong, and a betrayal of the Western ideal of intellectual freedom, to imprison writers and publishers who question publicly what privately they have come to doubt.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Belgium: To please whom?

In America it is taboo to question World War II history. In Europe it is against the law. In a French court Vincent Reynouard has been ordered to “cease all revisionist activity” and “submit to a psychiatric examination.” To please whom?



By Robert Faurisson http://codoh.com/thoughtcrimes/PORT4FAU.HTML September 19th, 2005, at 9.30 a.m., three Belgian policemen in plain clothes appeared at the Brussels home of Vincent Reynouard They broke the seals that had been put on the door of his study a week earlier and proceeded to seize his entire stock of publications set for distribution, placing them in 13 or 14 boxes. Then they led Vincent Reynouard to a place where they politely questioned him. They took his fingerprints. After a three-hour wait in a courthouse cell, where his shoelaces and belt were removed and where, in the company of a restless Arab, he could hear incessant noise, shouting and screaming, he was put in handcuffs and escorted to the office of a female examining magistrate. That person, aged about forty, is named Anne Gruwez. Arrogant (“I’m in charge here”), not bothering to conceal her hostility and continually harassing the accused man (“Speak louder”, “Speak less loudly”, “Sit up straight”,…), the lady keeps a painting of Dreyfus before his judges on her office wall. With hatred in her eyes, she questioned Vincent Reynouard at length, then had him know that she was placing him on probation, under five conditions. These are that he 1) cease all revisionist activity; 2) refrain from giving any conferences; 3) submit to a psychiatric examination; 4) take all possible steps to find a job; 5) respond to all further summonses. At 6.45 pm, Vincent Reynouard retrieved his shoelaces, his belt and all his fortune, amounting to €2.46. For backgroundf on Ryenouard see: > http://www.scrapbookpages.com/Oradour-sur-Glane/Story/VincentReynouard.html <



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