"Last week at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians (OAH) the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) announced that Tsuyoshi Hasegawa has won the Robert Ferrell Book Prize for Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan. The award attracted the notice of Professor Hasegawa's critics, including Robert P. Newman. We asked Mr. Newman to explain his objections. After we had his piece in hand we sent it over to Professor Hasegawa for a response.
I took Professor Newman's objections to Hasegawa to be intemperate, and with regard to the moral issues raised, careless. I posted a comment to that effect. If we can't discuss the moral issues regarding the intentional killing of innocent, unarmed Japanese civilians, we will not be able to talk openly about what is true and what is not true about the intentional killing of innocent, unarmed civilians by Germans during that war. You can find my brief observations in "Comments" at http://hnn.us/articles/24482.html